Asian Psychiatry Program
The inpatient Asian Psychiatry Program at Gracie Square Hospital provides culturally sensitive and appropriate mental health services to Chinese, Korean, Japanese and other Asian communities. Recognizing that cultural factors influence the way an individual views the causes and treatment of mental illness, the program encourages patients and their families to work within their own cultural framework to maximize successful treatment outcomes and prevent relapse. In addition, psychiatric presentations can be influenced by cultural factors requiring skilled diagnostic assessments by experts attuned to cultural influences. Providing staff who can communicate in a patient’s own language engages patients and their families as active participants in treatment.
The Asian program is directed by a culturally diverse clinical team and support staff able to speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Chinese ethnic dialects, Korean, Japanese and other Asian languages. Therefore, patients and their families can understand treatment options and strategies for improved adherence. At discharge, bilingual social workers familiar with all available mental health resources within the Asian communities arrange culturally appropriate aftercare plans by working closely with individual patients, families and caregivers.
The environment is designed to provide patients with the comforts of their own culture. The milieu and therapeutic activities incorporate Asian influences. The unit is decorated with Asian art and patients are served Chinese food and tea. Educational materials and newspapers are provided in both English and Asian languages.